Cara y exfoliante corporal herbarios

€19,00 €15,00
Un exfoliante natural indulgente y refrescante con potentes beneficios ayurvédicos. Formulado con ingredientes 100% orgánicos, este producto vegano ofrece una solución holística para problemas de la piel como eczema, acné y otros trastornos. Gramo verde exfolia suavemente, Khadira alivia y reduce la inflamación, mientras que la cúrcuma combate el acné y la inflamación. Manjishtha iluja y reduce la pigmentación, y el sándalo sirve como un astringente natural. La almendra se nutre con vitaminas esenciales, y la hoja de Neem combate las infecciones. Pétalos de rosa calma y reducir el enrojecimiento. Adecuado para todo tipo de piel, desatasca los poros y mejora la textura y el tono, revelando una piel radiante.

Green Gram Powder, Khadira Powder, Turmeric; Manjishtha Powder, Sandalwood Powder, Almond Powder, Neem Leaf Powder, Rose Petals


Experience a comprehensive skincare solution with this Ayurvedic Ubtan, carefully crafted for professional results. Gentle exfoliation utilizing natural ingredients reveals a smoother, brighter complexion by eliminating dead skin cells and impurities. Enjoy a deep cleansing experience as our potent blend of herbs and powders purges dirt, oil, and impurities, leaving your skin refreshed and renewed. Embrace the anti-aging prowess of Turmeric and Sandalwood, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, restoring youthful radiance. Benefit from the Green Gram Powder and Almond Powder duo, which collaborates to brighten your skin, imparting a healthy, youthful glow. Combat acne with Neem Leaf Powder, combating bacteria and inflammation, while Manjishtha Powder tackles pigmentation and marks. Revel in the moisturizing effects of Rose Petals, leaving your skin soft and smooth, and relish the soothing properties of Khadira Powder, perfect for sensitive or irritated skin.