Cepillo corporal seco para masaje corporal y masaje Garshana



El Dry Body Brush está especialmente diseñado para la práctica ayurvédica del cepillado en seco.

Sus cerdas naturales proporcionan un masaje profundo y relajante, mejorando la textura de la piel, desatascando los poros, reduciendo el estrés y promoviendo un drenaje linfático saludable.

También ayuda a curar la celulitis.

Entrega estimada entre Marzo 16 y Marzo 18.

The Dry Body Brush promises a massage experience like no other.

1. Helps with water retention.
2. Opens up clogged pores.
3. Effectively drains lymphatic fluids.
4. Removes dead skin.
5. Exfoliates the skin.
6. Improves blood circulation.
7. Stimulates and heals cellulite.
8. Reduces stress from the body.
9. Balances the Kapha dosha.
10. Eliminates lethargy and promotes energy in the body.

● Massage your arms and legs with long strokes towards the heart. ● Massage your joints with circular strokes. ● When massaging your feet, work your way upward towards the torso and then the neck. ● Use lighter pressure where the skin is soft and firm pressure on areas like feet. ● If you feel excessively dry after the massage, apply natural body oil right after.

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